Wednesday, July 31, 2013

RIVERROCK 2013 : Part 3

 Until going to Riverrock I did not know about slacklining. Slacklining is a sport that combines skateboarding style tricks with gymnastic flips and jumps, all while balancing on a 3 inch wide strap suspended four feet in the air. The competitors are judged on trick difficulty, style, and of course staying on the slack line.

 Random trivia about this guy you don't know - he was a backup dancer on one of Madonna's recent tours.

 The slackliners maintain intense focus on the end of the high tension line to monitor where in space they are while they flip, spin, and bounce.

 The Boulder Bash was fun to watch. Class eliminations were held through out the day to establish the roster for the night's final event. Between each event the wall builders changed the location of the holds. The whole group of climbers in the class were given five minutes at the start of their event to view the new hold positions and plan their route to the top. The climbers were then escorted to a holding area without a view of the wall to wait for their turns. Two climbers went at a time, usually the Men's class on one side of the split wall and the Women's class on the other side. Each climber had six minutes to get as high up the wall as possible.

 Nothing like hanging upside down, twenty feet above some thin safety pads.

 This girl made two of the most exciting moves of the night. Here she saves a fall by hanging off a single hand hold for almost forty seconds before she managed to propel herself to a hold that is out of the top of the photo.

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