Wednesday, July 31, 2013

RIVERROCK 2013 : Part 2

 Riverrock 2013 offered attendees many activities. The festival is free with the only cost being the purchase of an alcohol bracelet should you choose to drink. There were many vendors there but the atmosphere was pretty relaxed - it was more like you and your buddies hanging out talking about gear instead of a trade show 'gotta sell something' type thing.
Redbull brought a tricked out International truck that converted into a giant video game system complete with a mega watt stereo. The truck was surrounded for most of the day by twenty-something year old males playing the video games.

 Ruffwear makes some neat stuff for the outdoor dog on the go.
 Subaru brought a handful of new cars to tempt the crowds including this very nice WRX. 
I was very interested until I looked at the price tag!
 Jackson Kayaks held demos for you to try a kayak or a stand up paddleboard.
 This girl was handling the SUP (stand up paddleboard) quite well until about five seconds after I snapped the shot. She noticed me taking the photo, smirked, and promptly lost her balance. She was still drying out two hours later.

 There were dog dock jumping contests. I talked to the guy running the jump for a good bit in the morning. He travels the US with his truck and jump trailer attending festival all summer long. The 35 foot trailer ramps up to the edge of a large pool that he sets up at each event.
 This is the dock jump guy's dog. This dog was FOCUSED. Once he knew it was his time to jump his eyes never left the ball. Not once. 

 Just like any festival, there were plenty of people to watch.
 Some of those in attendance had a unique sense of style.
This girl brought her hoop to dance with.
 Yes, she is wearing a set of fairy wings.
 This girl drew a few looks.
 This is one of the racers waiting for his group to start. He rides an Airborne bicycle - the same brand I own. To see another Airborne rider around here is fairly unusual as Airborne is a small company that sells very small numbers of bikes each year.

 More colorful attendees.

 There were bands playing from about 10am until the festival ended at 11pm. I don't know the name of this band but they played pretty early, to a small crowd of about 20. I felt bad for them because they were quite good.
 Anders Osborne. I had never heard of Anders before but I am now a huge fan. About 9pm, a guy stepped onto the stage looking like a roughneck fresh off the rig and proceeded to rip through some awesome rock-n-roll. Sweet sounding, hard driving rock-n-roll!

 The view from the sound 'booth'.

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