Thursday, March 7, 2013

Government Island Revisted

I escaped the house after being cooped up for A WHOLE DAY due to the snow. The temperature was relatively warm so I set off to play photographer. I took a walk around Government Island in Stafford County - a site I visited in the spring of 2012 and posted about on Jackson's blog. This trip there wasn't much to photograph.
 The wildlife consisted of a few gulls picking through the mud flats.

The wooden walkways go on forever. The lumber for these walkways must have cost quite a bit.

I'm still fascinated by these carved initials. In the first post about Gov't Island I wrote that the owner of a small parcel on the island carved his initials into a corner marker in the year 1786. So unless someone has done a little retouching of these carved letters they have remained sharp for a LONG time.
 Some strange marks on a rock. Not sure if they are tool marks or some form of erosion.

 There are benches placed around the island (probably to compensate for the really long hike along the walkways.)

 I included this fuzzy picture of a bird not to show how poorly I can take pictures but because the bird made me laugh. This stick is in the middle of the channel and the wind was gusting heavily, churning up whitecaps and generally making things unpleasant but our friend the bird was just hanging out like it was a beautiful spring day.

Weird trees.

Another fuzzy shot of a bird. 
Just because.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! Fuzzy bird picture much better than my normal bird shots - in mine the bird is not in frame because they flew away before I pressed the camera button.
